
class Builder


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open fun Builder()


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open fun build(): TilesetDescriptorOptions
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open fun maxZoom(maxZoom: Byte): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
Maximum zoom level for the tile package.
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open fun minZoom(minZoom: Byte): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
Minimum zoom level for the tile package.Note: the implementation loads and stores the loaded tilesin batches, each batch has a pre-defined zoom range and it containsall child tiles within the range.The currently used tile batches zoom ranges are:- Global coverage: 0 - 5- Regional information: 6 - 10- Local information: 11 - 14- Streets detail: 15 - 16Internally, the implementation maps the given tile pack zoom rangeand geometry to a set of pre-defined batches to load, thereforeit is highly recommended to choose the `minZoom` and `maxZoom` valuesin accordance with the tile batches zoom ranges (see the list above).
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open fun pixelRatio(pixelRatio: Float): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
Pixel ratio to be accounted for when downloading raster tiles.The `pixelRatio` must be ≥ 0 and should typically be 1.0 or 2.0.
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open fun stylePackOptions(@Nullable() stylePackOptions: StylePackLoadOptions): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
Style package load options, associated with the tileset descriptor.If provided, `offline manager` will create a style package while resolving the correspondingtileset descriptor and load all the resources as defined in the provided style package options,i.e.
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open fun styleURI(@NonNull() styleURI: String): TilesetDescriptorOptions.Builder
The style associated with the tileset descriptor